Discover the daily life of the inhabitants of Pompeii and dive into the heart of the catastrophe that struck 2 000 years ago...
The volcanic eruption that destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii in 79 A.D. was a tragedy for its inhabitants, but it offers us a precious opportunity: to immerse ourselves in the daily lives of these men and women, almost as if they were still living among us almost 2 000 years later.
In the daily life in the 1st century A.D.
The exhibition reveals a bustling city, where everyone is busy: craftsmen, farmers, architects, doctors, surveyors, masons, metal smelters, livestock breeders. A vibrant, lively city...
Through exceptional objects from archaeological digs, impressive machine reconstructions and projections of the city before its destruction, you'll discover not only the nature of the region, but also the ingenuity of its people.
The eruption of the Vesuvius
En 79 après J-C, le Vésuve, volcan alors considéré comme éteint, entre en éruption. Après une violente secousse qui fait violemment trembler Pompeii, une énorme colonne de cendres, de pierres et de vapeurs volcaniques s’élève du Vésuve. Après avoir atteint jusqu’à 32 kilomètres de haut, cette colonne brulante s’affaisse sur elle-même et dévale les pentes du volcan. Sur son chemin : la cité de Pompeii.
This devastating catastrophe is revealed in a breathtaking immersive show that takes you right to the heart of the events.
Unforgettable stories
Grâce au guide audio mis à disposition, vous faites la connaissance de Caïus, 17 ans, et de sa famille qui vous fait découvrir Pompeii. Vous découvrez également l’histoire de Pline l’Ancien – écrivain, naturaliste et militaire -, qui mobilise sa flotte pour secourir les personnes en détresse lors de la catastrophe, y sacrifiant sa vie.
Finally, another immersive moment opens up a dialogue through the centuries with the city's inhabitants. Bodies frozen in ashes are transformed and brought back to life, embodying in turn the inhabitants of yesterday and today: Pompeii is alive!